Speaking Event


International Relations with Mel Goodman Tuesday 1/18 & Thursday 1/20 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. via Zoom

Washington Metro Oasis presents: President Biden and the European Alliance

Washington Metro Oasis presents: President Biden and the European Alliance. Des
The European Alliance has been one of the key elements in U.S. national security policy since World War II. But the Trump administration clearly worsened the transatlantic alliance. This lecture will discuss the importance of the alliance and President Biden’s ability to rebuild it.

Recent News and Latest Book

Science Denialism

“Science denialism” is the worst aspect of the current political climate because it is costing lives…
More than 50 former government scientists and public health officials have called for a science-based approach to the pandemic, criticizing the Trump administration for marginalizing science and expertise. They also expressed concern over Trump’s decision to withdraw from the World Health Organization, emphasizing that “scientists must be free to coordinate with their peers around the world.”

The Washington Post and Its Cold War Drums

The Washington Post has taken its Cold War campaign against China, Russia, and Iran to a new level. In the Sunday edition of its Outlook section, the Post gave front-page coverage to long articles by former ambassador Michael McFaul and former New York Times’ writer Tim Weiner to trumpet Russia’s “constant aggression” and its “brutal Cold War rules.” Neither writer notes U.S. actions over the past quarter-century that have worsened the international environment and helped to create a revival of the Cold War.

Containing the National Security State

Containing the National Security State