Speaking Event


International Relations with Mel Goodman Tuesday 1/18 & Thursday 1/20 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. via Zoom

Washington Metro Oasis presents: President Biden and the European Alliance

Washington Metro Oasis presents: President Biden and the European Alliance. Des
The European Alliance has been one of the key elements in U.S. national security policy since World War II. But the Trump administration clearly worsened the transatlantic alliance. This lecture will discuss the importance of the alliance and President Biden’s ability to rebuild it.

Recent News and Latest Book

“Rogue Nations” and “Failed States”: America Doesn’t Know the Difference

It would be easy to blame Donald Trump for the disarray in the transatlantic alliance, but twenty-five years of American exceptionalism is the real culprit. The aggressive expansion of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in the Clinton and Bush administrations over the objections of our West European allies began a period of discontinuity that still exists. Bush deepened the disarray in 2002 with his “axis of evil” speech that set the stage for the invasion of Iraq. Bush and Barack Obama considered Afghanistan the “good war,” which brought two full decades of chaos throughout Southwest Asia.

Robert M. Gates: Poster Child for Bureaucratic Deceit

From 2001 to 2015, the number of U.S. servicemen and women in Afghanistan exceeded 100,000, although four secretaries of defense (Donald Rumsfeld, Robert Gates, Leon Panetta, Chuck Hagel) conceded privately that the war was not winnable and that no strategy would alter our glide path to defeat.

Containing the National Security State

Containing the National Security State