Speaking Event


International Relations with Mel Goodman Tuesday 1/18 & Thursday 1/20 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. via Zoom

Washington Metro Oasis presents: President Biden and the European Alliance

Washington Metro Oasis presents: President Biden and the European Alliance. Des
The European Alliance has been one of the key elements in U.S. national security policy since World War II. But the Trump administration clearly worsened the transatlantic alliance. This lecture will discuss the importance of the alliance and President Biden’s ability to rebuild it.

Recent News and Latest Book

Repairing Trump’s Carnage: Fixing Our “Democracy”

President-elect Biden will inherit a crisis worse than those facing Barack Obama in 2009 or Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1933. The international situation is dominated by a raging nationalism, a climate catastrophe, and a devastating pandemic. At home, we have a dysfunctional Congress, a struggling economy, and social tensions worsened by institutional racism. Biden’s cabinet appointments reveal his recognition of these domestic challenges as he has appointed experts prepared to address a damaged public health system, immigration system, and the environmental program.

An Open Letter to Biden: Selecting a CIA Director

I’m assuming that you and your team are still debating the selection of a director for the Central Intelligence Agency. I hope that you don’t think me presumptuous for making some suggestions. I’m doing this on the basis of my 24 years of experience as a CIA intelligence analyst as well as my candid testimony before the Senate intelligence committee several decades ago regarding the confirmation process.

Containing the National Security State

Containing the National Security State