Speaking Event


International Relations with Mel Goodman Tuesday 1/18 & Thursday 1/20 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. via Zoom

Washington Metro Oasis presents: President Biden and the European Alliance

Washington Metro Oasis presents: President Biden and the European Alliance. Des
The European Alliance has been one of the key elements in U.S. national security policy since World War II. But the Trump administration clearly worsened the transatlantic alliance. This lecture will discuss the importance of the alliance and President Biden’s ability to rebuild it.

Recent News and Latest Book

Trump’s War on America

Trump’s war on America reminds us of Jonathan Swift’s saying “A lie travels around the globe while the truth is putting on its shoes.” Thomas Jefferson’s version was “Falsehood will travel over the country, while truth is putting on its boots.” Mark Twain said something similar, and so did Winston Churchill. There is a Chinese proverb (“Error will travel over half the globe, while truth is putting on its boots.”), as well. Well, Donald Trump and Attorney General William Barr are doing their best to test the validity of these proverbs.

The USA: Global Leader in Election Interference Abroad and Now at Home

Walt Kelly’s Pogo remarked that “We have met the enemy, and he is us.” In terms of election interference, historically the United States has been the enemy abroad and now we are the enemy at home. There is more than 70 years of evidence of U.S. election interference abroad; the current interference at home is far more threatening. Donald Trump is prepared to do great harm to the November election, creating the kind of cynicism and disarray that will enable Russian President Vladimir Putin’s propagandists to kick on an open door.

Containing the National Security State

Containing the National Security State