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Containing the National Security State represents more than 100 editorials that assess the militarization of U.S. governance and U.S. foreign policy.

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Donald Trump: Finally Caught Crossing A Red Line

Donald Trump has crossed many red lines over the past three and a half years, but he has finally crossed one that could cost him politically. The trappings of his fascist march to St. John’s Episcopal Church and his blasphemous display of a bible (held backwards and upside down) in front of the church have elicited significant criticism, including from the highest military and civilian leaders of the Pentagon.

Trump’s Attack on the Truth

Trump’s attack on the truth marches on. Let’s not forget that on February 27, 2020, Donald Trump predicted a quick victory over the novel coronavirus in this country.

The Madness of Donald

Never in our history has the United States been led by someone so psychologically unfit to serve. At a time of political and social crisis that calls for empathy, responsibility, and respect, we have at the helm a corrosive and oppressive man who has created a chaotic and unstable reality within the White House itself.

Trump’s War on Democracy

Trump’s statements and actions in the wake of the killing of George Floyd have raised Trump’s war on democracy and governance to a new and dangerous level. He is exacerbating social unrest and provoking greater violence in the United States.