
Melvin A. Goodman was my guest on the January 7, 2016 edition of Tell Somebody. Goodman is a senior fellow at the Center for International Policy where he was a colleague of the late Robert White, former US ambassador to El Salvador, and was a CIA analyst and colleague of Ray McGovern. He is the author of National Insecurity: The Cost of American Militarism, and of the forthcoming book The Path to Dissent: A Whistleblower at the CIA.

– Tell Somebody – KKFI-FM 90.1, Kansas City community radio. Thu, 7 January 2016

“Radio interview on KWMR- 90.5 FM Point Reyes Station and 89.9 FM in Bolinas”

Melvin Goodman’s interview on his book “National Insecurity: the Cost of American Militarism”

-The Local Organon Feb 12, 2014

“Mel Goodman interviewed by Meria Heller”

Melvin A. Goodman  discusses his book National Insecurity, military spending, and his opinions on the NSA and Edward Snowden and Bradley Manning with Meria Heller on “Talk Radio with Meria Heller.”

-Meria Heller, Talk Radio with Meria Heller Jul 2, 2013

Mel Goodman discusses National Insecurity on San Francisco’s KALW

In 2011, the US defense budget was the highest it has been since World War II, higher than during the peak of the Korean War and Vietnam War — in constant dollars. Goodman argues that in spite of this monumental spending, we are not safer as a country, and we suffer economically for it. So what would it take to re-calibrate our military spending and put the focus back on priorities at home?

-Max Jacobs, KALW Apr 30, 2013

“Interview on WMNF Tampa, FL”

Mel Goodman discusses how the military budget can be reduced.

-Robert Lorei, WMNF Apr 10, 2013

“Mel Goodman’s 2nd interview on KSFR’s ‘The Journey Home'”

With push coming to shove in the defense budget, Goodman takes a critical look at the weapons systems and the Pentagon policies that consume so much of our tax dollars; and the history of how we came to be the most militarized nation on Earth.

-Diego Mulligan, KSFR’s “Journey Home” Apr 9, 2013

“Interview on WJFF’s Connections with Dick Riesling”

Interview on Jeffersonville, NY’s (The Catskills) WJFF’s “Connections with Dick Riesling.”

-Dick Riesling, WJFF’s “Connections with Dick Reisling” Mar 25, 2013

“Interview on WNHN’s The Attitude”

Interview on Concord, NH’s “The Attitude” with Arnie Arneson.

-Arnie Arson, “The Attitude” Mar 21, 2013

“Interview on KSFR’s Journey Home”

Interview on Santa Fe New Mexico’s KSFR “Journey Home.”

-Diego Mulligan, KSFR’s “Journey Home” Mar 14, 2013

“Interview on Sirius XM’s Rightsidewire”

Armstrong Williams interviews Mel Goodman.

-Armstrong Williams, Sirius XM Mar 14, 2013

“Interview on KPFK’s The Progressive Forum”

KPFK’s Wally James at “The Progressive Forum” (Houston, TX) interviewed Mel Goodman about National Insecurity.

-Wally James, KPFK Mar 7, 2013

“Interview on KGNU’s The Economy”

KGNU’s “The Economy” (Boulder, CO) interviewed Mel Goodman about National Insecurity.

-KGNU’s “The Economy” Mar 7, 2013

“Mel Goodman interviewed on Background Briefing with Ian Masters”

A look into the extraordinary rise of defense spending during the last decade increases not seen since the Korean War, and whether this can be slowed or reversed.  Mel Goodman discusses whether the Republicans have changed their minds on defense cuts and if cuts could be targeted against useless weapons systems like the most expensive defense contract in history, the F-35 aircraft that is now grounded.

-Ian Masters, Background Briefing, KFPA Berkeley Feb 25, 2013

“Mel Goodman interviewed on The Inside Track, Tucscon, AZ”

Mel Goodman discusses the sequester and defense spending.

-Inside Track Feb 24, 2013

“Mel Goodman interviewed on WORT’s A Public Affair”

Mel Goodman discusses his new book National Insecurity: The Cost of American Militarism.

-A Public Affair, WORT Wisconsin Feb 8, 2013

Interview on KPFA Berkeley’s “Up Front”

Discussing the nomination of John Brennan to head the CIA, what questions the Senate Intelligence Committee should ask him during his confirmation hearings, and what kind of leadership Goodman thinks the  CIA needs.  Interview begins around 9 minute mark.

-Up Front, KPFA Berkeley Feb 7, 2013

Interview on KPFK, Los Angeles

Mel Goodman discusses his new book National Insecurity: The Cost of American Militarism.

-Ian Masters, Background Briefing, KPFK Feb 7, 2013

“Goodman Marano Spaulding Surreal News 391”

Mel Goodman discusses his new book, National Insecurity: The Cost of American Militarism, and the nomination of Chuck Hagel to Secretary of Defense.  Interview begins at 17 minute mark.

-The Surreal News Show, WSLR Florida Feb 1, 2013

“Interview with Peter B. Collins”

Mel Goodman discusses his new book, offers an historical analysis of Obama’s first term, presents a critique of the film “Zero Dark 30,” considers Chuck Hagel’s nomination as Secretary of Defense, and offers ways to cut military spending.

-Peter B. Collins, The Peter Collins Show Jan 29, 2013

Interview on KPFA Berkeley’s “Letters and Politics”

Mitch Jeserich of KPFA Berkeley’s “Letters and Politics” interviews Mel Goodman. Interview begins at 26 minute marker.

-Mitch Jeserich, Letters and Politics, KPFA Berkeley Jan 24, 2013

“Mel Goodman on the Commonwealth Club Podcast”

Mel Goodman spoke about his new book at the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco on January 22, 2013.

-Commonwealth Club Podcast Jan 22, 2013

“Mel Goodman on KPFA: Letters and Politics”

Mel Goodman, a former CIA agent who rallied support against John Brennan for his previous nomination to head the CIA, discusses his new nomination on KPFA, Berkeley (begins @ 28 min.)

-KPFA: Letters and Politics Jan 7, 2013

“Petraeus Testifies on Benghazi Attack”

Mel Goodman discusses David Petraeus’s testimony on Benghazi attack in this radio interview.

-MPR News Nov 16, 2012


Recent News and Latest Book

The Last Adults on Trump’s National Security Team

The first 24 hours of the Trump presidency were marked by a bizarre inauguration speech (“American Carnage”), frenzied claims of record inauguration crowds, and an unusual appearance at the headquarters of the Central Intelligence Agency where the new president proclaimed his political brilliance. The shock of these 24 hours led pundits and politicians alike to proclaim that the so-called adults in the administration (Tillerson at State; Mattis at Defense; Coats as the director of national intelligence; and eventually General McMaster at the national security council) would exercise some restraint on a potentially unstable and unpredictable president.

The International Spy Museum in DC: Lies, Spies and Paranoia

The mainstream media have given rave notices to the new International Spy Museum, a striking edifice that is close by the National Mall in Washington, D.C. The New York Times finds the museum “remarkable,” and the Washington Post credits the museum with taking an objective look at both intelligence analysis and clandestine operations. However, there are serious shortcomings in a curation that has given the entire intelligence community a remarkable and stunning recruitment tool.

Containing the National Security State

Containing the National Security State