NY Times Letter to the Editor

The Democratic debates have virtually ignored numerous national security issues, particularly the bloated defense budget; the overzealous tempo of military deployments; the overabundant overseas bases; the unnecessary modernization of our nuclear weapons; and the troublesome decline of arms control and disarmament. The United States has become the dominant arms merchant in the international arena and has downplayed the important instrument of diplomacy.

Upcoming Sarasota Community Radio Interview

Listen to my interview discussing national security topics dealing with diplomacy, intelligence, and war vs. peace.

James Comey, Whistleblower

Former FBI director James Comey has been criticized once again for violating FBI guidelines in handling official matters. He was pilloried for his handling of Hillary Clinton’s violations of security practices as secretary of state, and now for revealing Donald Trump’s efforts to obstruct justice. Although Comey believed he was acting in the best interests of the nation on both occasions, there is no argument that Comey did violate the FBI’s internal regulations. On both occasions, he was calling attention to illegal and possibly criminal behavior by Clinton and Trump.

Best Movie Ever Made About Truth Behind Iraq War Is “Official Secrets”

So check out “Official Secrets” as soon as it appears in a theater near you. You will rarely see a better portrait of what it means for someone to try to make a true moral choice, even when unsure, even while terrified, even when she has no idea what will happen next.

The Great Cost and Myth of U.S. Defense Spending

Journalists and pundits regularly refer to U.S. defense spending as greater than the next seven or eight countries. Nonsense! U.S. defense spending when correctly tabulated exceeds the defense spending of the rest of the global community. Current defense spending is greater than $1 trillion and the bipartisan support for U.S defense spending assures continued increases. Many of the largest spenders on defense, moreover, are our treaty allies.

Return To The Regulatory Dark Ages – Counterpunch Volume 6 Number 3

Mel Goodman on Trump’s war on science